Quality, Comprehensive and Timely Care.
Local GP’s for local Nursing Homes
At Gericare we recognise that the best care for residents in Nursing Homes and Independent Living Units is carried out by GP’s who work closely with these facilities.
Our philosophy is simple:
Continuity , consistency and appropriate care including palliative care , keeping in mind the wishes of residents and their families.
Good communication with facility staff, pharmacists, families and residents through regular care planing discussions and reviews.
Early detection and management of skin cancers on site to avoid long term complications.
Medication optimisation and management to avoid adverse out comes.
If you are a Facility Manager , a Clinical Manager or a coordinator and would like an immediate response to help care for your residents do call us at 0892581000
Who We Are
We are a small non co-operate ,privately owned General Practice,well experienced and enthusiastic in aged care , skin cancer and palliative care.
The doctors are well experienced and has been in clinical medicine more than 15 years.
We are here to help our aged population living in retirement villages and RACFs across Perth Metropolitan area.
After working in office-based general practice and hospitals, we have noticed that the care received by this special group is not ideal and can improve more for better outcomes.
Our aim is to get the services of general practice to the client's own place of living with the support available through Medicare.
This will improve their quality of life in all aspect of life
Experienced medical and nurse practitioner visits and care at your residential facility or Retirement Village
Patient and family focused
Telephone advise available 0700-2200 hrs everyday with an experienced practitioner
After hours visits can be arranged with subscribed locum services
Skin cancer treatment can be arranged in the facility with our experianced skin cancer GPs.
Geriatricians, Older adult mental health services and psychologists visits can be arranged via third parties
What We Do
Advanced care planning
Comprehensive clinical assessment
Dementia management
Hospital admission prevention
Medication management and cost reduction
Early detection,management and prevention of skin cancers and related complications.
Optimization of pain management
Drug error minimization
Family education and support
​Telehealth for minor illnesses
There is no gap for nursing home and aged care residents for routine visits.
Clients in retirement villages will have no gap only for routine visits.